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Mac Ling
Nov 5, 20226 min read
How do our bodies mediate interactions with our environment in this “virtual” age? “The body is the instrument of our hold on the world."...
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Mac Ling
May 21, 20227 min read
Handwriting & Expression
In this age of typewritten communication, are we missing out on the advantages of writing by hand? “There is an element of dancing when...
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Mac Ling
Mar 29, 20228 min read
Creativity & Darkness
Can we utilize "artificial darkness" as effectively as we do "artificial light"? “Darkness endows the small and ordinary ones among...
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Mac Ling
Dec 10, 20218 min read
Rewards & Beliefs
How does the prospect of a reward influence how we interpret sensory input, or "facts"? “If what one believed turns out to be false, it...
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Mac Ling
Nov 12, 20219 min read
Illusions & Diversity
Can understanding the brain's visual processes teach us to accommodate a diversity of human perspectives? “Illusion is an anodyne, bred...
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Mac Ling
Oct 12, 20219 min read
Questions & Closure
How does the ability to instantaneously access information affect our thinking? “... a constant questioning, questioning as ritual,...
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Mac Ling
Jun 15, 20218 min read
Waiting & Activity
Can we view waiting as something other than an obstacle or a nuisance? "It's not the road It's not the miles Or being alone That tells my...
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Mac Ling
May 12, 20217 min read
Thought Experiments & Assumptions
Can applying thought experiments to our own lives free us from the assumptions that limit us? "Stop there! Your theory is confined to...
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Mac Ling
Apr 7, 20219 min read
Improv & Uncertainty
Can principles of improv help us confront the unpredictability in our lives? "What survives on Earth is what effortlessly adapts to the...
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Mac Ling
Mar 9, 20217 min read
Possessions & Identity
Can infusing meaning into the physical objects that surround us help us (and others) understand ourselves better? “Let solidity be...
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Mac Ling
Feb 4, 20219 min read
Serendipity & Self-Discovery
Can cultivating opportunities for "accidents" help us reach our goals in ways that deliberate plans cannot? "The most exciting phrase to...
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Mac Ling
Jan 3, 202110 min read
Patterns & Habits
Why do we find patterns in nature so alluring, and what can this teach us about recognizing and reorganizing our own habits? "All the...
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Mac Ling
Dec 5, 20202 min read
A Centering Exercise to Transform Anxiety and Depression
Lao Tzu has a wonderful observation about how our emotional state is tied to the place in time where we spend our mental energy. He...
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Mac Ling
Dec 1, 20207 min read
Time & Perception
How does the way we conceptualize time affect what we choose to do with it? "Time is a game played beautifully by children" - Heraclitus...
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Mac Ling
Nov 12, 20209 min read
Daydreaming & Creativity
How might we benefit from daily allotments of imagination-time? "Our imagination flies—we are its shadow on the earth." - Vladimir...
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Mac Ling
Oct 6, 20208 min read
Languages & Activities
Can you learn a skill more effectively if you practice it exclusively in a dedicated foreign language? "Learning how to speak with...
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Mac Ling
Sep 1, 20207 min read
Colors & Histories
How do different colors affect your mood and your actions? “Colors, therefore, should be understood as subjective cultural creations: you...
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Mac Ling
Aug 25, 20203 min read
A Biblio-Prescription for What Ails You
The first use of "bibliotherapy" in its modern sense—describing books as prescriptions for specific ailments—hails from 1916...
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Mac Ling
Aug 3, 20206 min read
Nostalgia & The Self
How is nostalgia a psychologically useful tool for building your desired future? “The past is a foreign country: they do things...
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Mac Ling
Aug 2, 20205 min read
Literary Fiction & Empathy
How is literary fiction uniquely suited to building empathetic psyches and promoting an open-minded global community?
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